PLENARY SESSION #2: Adolescence: Transition Care in Bariatrics – The Latest Research, Updates on Treatment (Medical/Surgery)
Ms. Alexandra Chalmers, MN, Nurse Practitioner-Paediatrics, CDE
SickKids Team Obesity Management Program (STOMP) & Complex Care
Division of Endocrinology |The Hospital for Sick Children
Alexandra Chalmers graduated from University of Toronto’s Paediatric Nurse Practitioner program in 2016. She specializes in the care of children and youth living with overweight and obesity as well as outpatient care of children with medical complexities. Alexandra has a particular interest in the management of type 2 diabetes in the context of childhood obesity and is a certified diabetes educator at The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto.
Session Objectives:
- Understand the current process for transitioning youth who have undergone bariatric surgery at a paediatic facility to adult care for on-going follow-up and management.
- In the context of a young person who has undergone bariatric surgery, understand the common pitfalls to watch for during the transition process from paediatric to adult care.
- In order to optimize outcomes, understand how best to speak with youth and their families about the tranisiton process.