CONCURRENT SESSION – PART 1A: Emotional and Binge Eating After Bariatric Surgery
Case-based Discussion with Panel
Dr. Nadine Roy, MD, CMFC, diplôme ABOM
Médecin clinique bariatrique CHUDUMONT
Professeur associée CFMNB
Dr. Nadine Roy received her medical degree from Sherbrooke University and completed her family medicine residency program. She was one of the first Atlantic physicians to obtain a diploma from the American Board of Obesity Medicine. She is part of a multidisciplinary team who delivers care to patients who suffer from obesity at the Dr. Georges-L-Dumont University Hospital Centre Bariatric Clinic. As an Assistant Professor, she shares her knowledge and clinical experiences with the medical students. Her goal as professor, researcher and speaker is to improve access to proper medical care for patients who suffer from this chronic disease.